Asteroid 433 Eros- Closest Approach to Earth 31 Jan

Update :  Thanks to Media Friends  here is an article released by PTI

Text Box: Second largest near-Earth asteroid passes by Earth 
New Delhi: 34-km-wide Eros, the second largest near-Earth asteroid, had a fly by of Earth and can now be seen in the constellations Leo, Sextans and Hydra.
Asteroid 433 Eros (1898 DQ), also known as Eros, came closer to Earth at 4.30 PM last evening, Planetary Society of India Director N Raghunandan Kumar said.  The Eros passed by Earth at 26,729,000 kms, about 70 times the distance to the Moon, with a visual magnitude of +8.6, he said.

 wrote "34-km-wide asteroid flies past earth"
Zee news wrote

On 31st January  asteroid 433 Eros will come closer to Earth than it has in 37 years, traveling across the night sky in the constellations Leo, Sextans and Hydra. At its closest pass of 16.6 million miles (26.7 million km) the relatively bright 21-mile (34-km) -wide asteroid will be visible with even modest backyard telescopes, approaching magnitude 8, possibly even 7. It hasn’t come this close since 1975, and won’t do so again until 2056!

This article was written at 4.00 a.m. on 31 Jan (after preparing the same from 1.00 a.m to 4 a.m)

On Tuesday, January 31, asteroid 433 Eros (1898 DQ)  a.k.a Eros will come closer to Earth than it has in 37 years, traveling across the night sky in the constellations Leo, Sextans and Hydra. At its closest pass of 16.6 million miles (26.7 million km) the relatively bright 21-mile (34-km) -wide asteroid will be visible with even modest backyard telescopes, approaching magnitude 8, possibly even 7. It hasn’t come this close since 1975, and won’t do so again until 2056!

What is the distance of this object when it is at its closest approach on 31st Jan ? 
Minimum Distance = 2,67,29,512 km
Nominal Distance =  2,67,29,544 km
Maximum Distance = 2,67,29,575 km  

Can you explain in layman's language? How much far it is ?
  It is 69.5 LD or 69.5 times the distance of between Earth & Moon. ( LD means "Lunar Distance." 1 LD = 384,401 km, the distance between Earth and the Moon. 1 LD also= 0.00256 AU.)

What is the size/dimensions of this object ? What is the diameter of this object ? 

How much time does this object take to orbit Sun ? 
This object orbits our Sun once in every 642.9 Days (1.76 year)

How much time does it take to rotate on its axis ?
It rotates around itself every 5hrs 16 Mins.

Distance for Feb 1 2012: There is not much difference in the distance of the object. Whereas there is slight change on 2nd Feb and continues to increase as days passby.

Why this information got importance ? Though object is closest in its orbit (it can get) to earth ?
According to Data This asteroid will be at its Closest approach point (the closest it can get till 2056) is at  4.30 pm. IST  (11.00 UTC)  on 31st Jan 2012. 

What is the Composition of this object ? 
433 Eros is an S-type asteroid, signifying a composition of magnesium silicates and iron.

It is said to be Second Largest. What is the name of First largest Asteroid in NEA ? 
 This Asteroid is known as Second Largest NEA (Near Earth Asteroid) . First largest being "1036 Ganymed".  Click here to see what is NEA and latest data of such objects.

Why this object is caled Mars Crosser ?
433 Eros is Mars-Crosser which means it is an asteroid whose orbit crosses that of Mars. 

Can you explain about the distance ? Is this object still in view of earth ?
The Distance of 433 Eros Asteroid is similar on 31st Jan & 1 Feb at 0.178 A.U.
The Distance of the Asteroid is similar from 2 Feb to 4 Feb at 0.179 A.U.

Can we see this object ? How to See and Where to look ?
Amateur Astronomers can spot this object in the Constellation of  Sextants and Hydra till 10 Feb after 10 p.m. in the eastern sky.  It presently shining at 8.6 magnitude.

Notes : 1. A.U. means Astronomical Unit which is Distance between Earth & Sun or to say roughly 150 Million Kms ...Astronomical Unit It is a derived constant and used to indicate distances within the solar system
2. In a clear sky Healthy Human Eye can see stars/objects which are rated as 6 magnitude. 

Spot Jupiter with Moon on 30th Jan 2012

On Jan 30th 2012 People can see Planet Jupiter paired with Moon in the sky after Sunset i.e. both moon and Jupiter appear to be near to each other as seen from earth. 

Since last over two months both Planets Jupiter & Venus are visible in the evening skies. Sooner Mars and Saturn will join them in coming months. However general public due to lack of knowledge are unable to distinguish Planets (which appear like non-twinkling objects) from stars (twinkling). Whereas phenomena of conjunction makes it easy for people to spot and recognize planets with naked eyes.

This celestial event on 30th Jan is astronomically known as Conjunction of Moon with Jupiter. Providing people an easy opportunity to locate planets using Moon as tool with naked eyes.

Jupiter - Visible from Sunset till 11.30 pm - Directions:
After Sunset if people facing West Direction can look above their head one can see Planet Jupiter and Moon side by side i.e. On left side of Moon one can see Jupiter.

Planet Venus Further on 30th Jan: further people can spot Venus in West Direction till 8.30p.m.

Planet after 8.30 p.m. – Direction: Planet Jupiter after Sunset moves across the skies only to set in West Direction at 11.30p.m. i.e. People can locate Jupiter with Moon from 8.30 p.m. till 11.30 p.m.  Looking in West  Direction. 

Bus-Size Asteroid 2012 BX34 to Give Earth Close Shave 27 Jan 2012

Asteroid to Miss Earth on 27th Jan 2012 -  9pm IST : a newly discovered Asteroid (space rock) called "Asteroid 2012 BX34" is expected to flyby Earth on 27th Jan and miss Earth by 65,000km approx.However there is no danger of collision.

What is the size of this object ?
This size of this space rock is 14 meters and will be cutting/moving across the area between earth and moon tonight at 8.55pm IST being closest traveling at speed of 9 km/sec .

To Miss Moon :This object will also miss Moon on 28th Jan at 6.15 a.m. being closest...

How much time does this object take to orbit Sun ? 
This object revolves/orbits around sun every 242 days.

When was this object first observed ? 
However it was first observed only on 25 Jan 2012. More Details/Latest update visit This info is correct as at 5.13a.m 27 Jan 2012.

Here is animation of the event as seen from object: 

Here is another View of the event - Sun centered


This year on the occasion of Republic Day even the skies too have an event for people to celebrate appreciating science in true spirit of “Promoting Scientific Temperament” as enshrined in our Indian Constitution. On Jan 26th 2012 Moon people can see Planet Venus paired with Moon in the western sky after Sunset i.e. both moon and Venus appear to be near to each other as seen from earth.

This celestial event is astronomically known as Conjunction of Moon with Venus. Providing people an easy opportunity to locate planets using Moon as tool with naked eyes. See Expln. Above for what is Conjunction, How to locate Planets anytime in a year.

Where to see /time:  after Sunset till 8.30 pm. If people can look towards West Direction one can see Planet Venus and Moon side by side i.e. On left side of beautiful crescent Moon one can see Venus.

Planet Jupiter: Further on 26th Jan people looking overhead at Sunset people can spot Planet Jupiter and continue to see it till midnight as it moves across the skies to set in West Direction.

Observation with Telescopes – Register & Questions: Further society likes to organize series of sky observations with telescopes across the state.  Interested Schools /people can register at for participation.

Importantly people can also download Poster/Maps from for assistance and using online forms can get clarification asking questions.

SUN Blasts/Erupts - CME Hurled towards Earth - Geomagnetic Storm Jan 2012 - Biggest in 7 Years

Latest Update at 25 Jan 9.20 a.m IST:  As expected, a CME hit Earth's magnetic field on Jan. 24th at approximately 8.30 p.m. IST (1500 UTC). The impact produced a G1-class geomagnetic storm and bright auroras around the Arctic Circle. The storm is subsiding now.

On Jan. 23rd around 6.a.m. IST (0359 U)T, big sunspot 1402 erupted, producing a long-duration M9-class solar flare. The explosion's M9-ranking puts it on the threshold of being an X-flare, the most powerful kind. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory captured the flare's extreme ultraviolet flash.

The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) and NASA's STEREO-B spacecraft detected a CME rapidly emerging from the blast site: movie. 

Analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab say the leading edge of the CME will reach Earth on Jan. 24 at 14:18UT (+/- 7 hours) i.e. 7.48 pm (+ or - 7 hours). Their animated forecast track shows that Mars is in the line of fire, too; the CME will hit the Red Planet during the late hours of Jan. 25.

This is a relatively substantial and fast-moving (2200 km/s) CME. Spacecraft in geosynchronous, polar and other orbits passing through Earth's ring current and auroral regions could be affected by the cloud's arrival. In addition, strong geomagnetic storms are possible

Further kindly click here to read FAQ'S which were prepared in 2010 . 

Click here  To another article prepared in 2010 August. 

These were the headlines in last 24 hours which are making rounds. 

INCOMING! Sun Blasts Another CME at Earth and Mars (Discovery news)                                           Sun hurls strong geomagnetic storm toward Earth (Reuters)                                                                        Sun erupts with biggest storm in seven years (msnbc) 

Here is the animation compiled two years ago explains what will happen on 24 jan


Another Russian Satellite (Cosmos 2176) to Re-enter Earth - after Phobos Grunt

Latest Update of Re-Entry Various Sources (as on 07.15 p.m 17 Jan 2012): www.skylab 2012 .com

Data From Organisation
Actual  Predicted Time
Least of  Predicted time
Maximum of  Predicted time
Indian Standard Timings
22.55 UTC  on 17th Jan
(+/- 4 Hours)
18.55 UTC  on 17th Jan
02.55 UTC on 18th Jan 
Actual:04:25 a.m. on 18th Jan          Least :00:25 a.m. on 18 Jan Maximum :08:25 a.m. on 18th Jan
Joseph Remis
8.21 a.m.  UTC on 17th Jan
(+/- 3 Hours)
5.21 a.m.  UTC on 17th Jan
11.21 a.m. UTC on 17th Jan
Actual :1:51 p.m.  Least : 10:51 a.m.  
Maximum:04:51 p.m.
4.04 UTC  on 16th Jan
(+/- 48 Hours)
4.04 UTC on 14th Jan
4.04 UTC  on 18th Jan
Actual :  09.34 a.m. on 16th
Least :   09.34 a.m. on 14th
Maximum : 09.34 a.m. on 18th Jan

After Phobos Grunt you might wonder what is in store for us ? or What is Next?

Here is another 2000kg Satellite on its way to earth in next two days.

Cosmos 2176 (also known as 21847) is a Russian (missile early warning) satellite launched from the Plesetsk cosmodrome aboard a Molniya rocket. It was part of the Oko constellation of satellites and covered the plane 6 - 119 degree longitude of ascending node

Here are some fact in breif
Type:     Kosmos Satellite
Int'l Designation:     1992 003A
Launched:     24 JAN 1992 @ 01:18 UTC
Mission:     Cosmos 2176

Launch Vehicle: Molniya-M
Launch Site: Plesetsk Cosmodrome LC43/3, Russia
Mass: 1900.0 kg

Here is the Latest map issued (17 Jan) by Center for Orbital and Re-Entry Studies (Click on Image to see larger view)

Legend  (what lines in the map indicate):
Yellow Icon - location of object at predicted reentry time
Orange Line - area of visibility at the predicted reentry time for a ground observer
Blue Line - ground track uncertainty prior to predicted reentry time (ticks at 5-minute intervals)
Yellow Line - ground track uncertainty after predicted reentry time (ticks at 5-minute intervals)
White Line - day/night divider at predicted reentry time (Sun location shown by White Icon)
Note: Possible reentry locations lie anywhere along the blue and yellow ground track.

When will it Reenter Earth ?
As per AEROSPACE - Center for Orbital & Re-entry Studies  ( as per 17 JAN 2012 07:43 UTC update) says : the Cosmos 2176  is actually predicted to re-enter at 04:25 a.m. on 18th Jan  (22.55 UTC  on 17th Jan ).                                                                                                                    However due to atmospheric and other effects it may re-enter Earth between 00:25 a.m. IST on 18th Jan (18.55 UTC  on 17th Jan) to 08:25 a.m.  IST  on 18th Jan (02.55 UTC on 18th Jan)

Joseph Remis (as per 16 Jan 21.53 update) says :  the Cosmos 2176  is actually predicted to re-enter at 1:51 p.m (8.21 UTC).
However due to atmospheric and other effects it may re-enter Earth between 10.51 a.m.  IST (5.21 UTC) to 04:51 p.m.  IST (11.21 UTC)

As per ( as per 15th Jan 10.55 UTC update) says : the Cosmos 2176  is actually predicted to re-enter at  09.34 a.m. on 16th  (4.04 UTC on 16 Jan ). 
However due to atmospheric and other effects it may re-enter Earth between 09.34 a.m. IST on 14th Jan IST  (4.04 UTC on 14th Jan ) to  09.34 a.m. IST  (4.04 UTC on 18th Jan  ) on 18th Jan.

This satellites is Predicted to Reenter on 17th Jan 2012 at 19.15 UTC . (00:45:00 Wednesday January 18, 2012 in Indian Standard Time)  However satellite may re enter earth 15 hours before or Later due to various factors.

Where will it fall or what will happen to it ?
Not much is known about this aspect. Our efforts to trace a source in this regard for Last two days failed.

How/Can you track this Satellite live ? 
Here is the Live Tracking Link Click Here 
with Data


Here is the Live Tracking Link click here

This alternative link click here  can make good video if you record.


Latest Update : As per data  available to us at (5.00 p.m. )  5th January 2012, Phobos Grunt completes one rotation around the earth every 87.30 minutes.
Presently  it is moving around earth in 125.25 km by  142Km 
It Positioned at  6.2N,120.5W (Check the Map) Re-entry is expected in 5 hours.

Here is the Link to the Document  with details of Timings click here 
for all important links in this page click here

What is Phobos Grunt Mission ?
Phobos-Grunt  was an attempted Russian sample return mission to Phobos (one of the moons of Mars). Phobos-Grunt also carried the Chinese Mars orbiter Yinghuo-1 and the tiny Living Interplanetary Flight Experiment funded by the Planetary Society..
COSPAR ID: 2011-065A  is the identification number of this mission. 
Here is the powerpoint presentation created by Student Vennela Krishna Click here 

What will happen on 15 or 16th January 2012 ?
This probe will first re-enter earth atmosphere and over 200 kgs of its parts are expected to survive and fall on earth.
But no one know wether it will fall in ocean or on land and where. 

When was this mission launched ?  And what happened ?
 It was launched on 8 November 2011, 20:16 UTC from the Baikonur Cosmodrome, but subsequent rocket burns intended to set the craft on a course for Mars failed. Which left it stranded in low Earth orbit. 

What is the weight of this probe ? Which vehicle was used to Launch ? What was the actual duration of the mission. 
13,200 kg with fuel is the weight of the probe.  Zenit-2SB Vehicle was used for launch

What kind of Mission was this ?
Mission type     Orbiter, lander, sample return

Were there any efforts to recover this craft ?   
Attempts continued for several weeks to try to communicate with the spacecraft in the hope that it could be repurposed, or at least diagnostic telemetry could be obtained, with the European Space Agency aiding the Russian Federal Space Agency in tracking the craft.
However, efforts to recover the craft were unsuccessful, and it is now on course to fall back to Earth in an uncontrolled manner, probably on January 15, 2012.
The Russian news agency RIA Novosti reported on 24 November 2011 that the mission had been pronounced a failure because the spacecraft could no longer be sent to Mars, the final opportunity to do so having passed on 21 November. 

Who is creater of Phobos Grunt ?  
Funded by the Russian space agency Roscosmos and developed by NPO Lavochkin and the Russian Space Research Institute, Phobos-Grunt was the first Russian-led interplanetary mission since the failed Mars 96. (The last successful Russian interplanetary missions were Vega 2 in 1985–1986, and the partially successful Phobos 2 in 1988–1989.)

What was expected result of Phobos Grunt mission ?  
The return vehicle, carrying up to 200 g of soil from Phobos, was to have returned to Earth in August 2014.
Phobos-Grunt was designed to become the first spacecraft to return a macroscopic sample from an extraterrestrial body since Luna 24 in 1976. 

Here is the Map of Phobos Grunt with estimated place of Fall (as on 4pm 15 Jan)

Who is Monitoring the Re-Entry of this Mission ? 
The Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee is an inter-governmental agency whose aim is to co-ordinate efforts to deal with debris in orbit around the Earth founded in 1993. Members
    Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI)
    British National Space Centre (BNSC)
    Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)
    China National Space Administration (CNSA)
    German Aerospace Center (DLR)
    European Space Agency (ESA)
    Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)
    Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
    National Space Agency of Ukraine (NSAU)
    Russian Federal Space Agency (ROSCOSMOS)
    Canadian Space Agency (CSA)

Here is the animation of youtube click here

Here is view from Ground of the Mission as pictured by amateur astronomers :

If you are interested to know where exactly this Probe is see these links




Plantary Society does not know who among these three sites is accurate.

Other questions: 

Q. What was the purpose of Phobos Grunt?
Phobos Grunt was sent to study the atmosphere and dust storms, plasma and radiation of Mars from orbit. Its mission also included landing on Phobos and returning a soil sample from Phobos to Earth using a sample return vehicle.

Q. What were the science goals set for Phobos Grunt?
There were seven primary goals:
•Delivery of samples of Phobos soil to Earth for scientific research
•In situ and remote studies of Phobos
•Monitoring the atmospheric behavior of Mars
•Studies of the vicinity of Mars
•Study of the origin of the Martian satellites
•Study of the role played by asteroid impacts in the formation of terrestrial planets
•Search for possible past or present life

Q. What was the total budget of Phobos Grunt?
The cost of the spacecraft was 1.5 billion rubles or $64.4 million. Project funding for the timeframe 2009–2012, including post-launch operations is about 2.4 billion rubles.Total cost of the mission is 5 billion rubles or $163 million.

Q. Who were the partners?
The Chinese Mars probe Yinghuo-1 was sent together with Fobos-Grunt.

Q. Where will it fall?
The reentry zone has not been predicted yet.

Q. What risk does it pose?
There are 7.5 tonnes of highly toxic hydrazine and nitrogen tetroxide on board. This is fuel intended for the space craft's upper stage. Scientists say that the fuel might burn out on reentry in the atmosphere and not reach the ground at all.

Four Planets in the Sky - Use Moon to Spot on 14 & 16 Jan

Upto May 2012 you can see Four Planets in Morning or Evening skies . Further next 5 days watch out for Moon as it will help us locate Mars (on 14 Jan) and Saturn (on 16 Jan) . Here is poster for your kind consideration click here

1. Jupiter can be spotted after sunset (east) till 1.30 a.m. (west)
2. Venus can be spotted after Sunset in West Direction upto 8pm
3. Mars rises around 11.30pm in East Direction and is visible till 6 a.m or Sunrise.
4. Saturn rises at  2 a.m. and visible until  Sunrise in East Direction

Here is the link to my article Indian express &

However there is still some more time when Mars, Saturn, Jupiter will be closest to earth this year. Right now two planets among Four are getting ready to be closest in next two months. As they days pass they will become more brighter than the previous night.

So watch out for our updates here on this blog.

Jupiter, Venus, Mars to be seen in the dark sky from tonight thanks for friends in PTI



Kindly see the updates of Meteor Shower below with images from across the world including NASA Source.

On 3rd - 5th January three celestial events would occur for people to appreciate. It’s just like a perfect welcome for the New Year 2012 providing an opportunity to people to appreciate science.

Spot Jupiter with Naked Eye Using Moon On 3rd Jan – Moon Conjunction with Jupiter:  On Jan 3 at 04:44 a.m. IST  (23.14pm UTC on 2nd Jan) Moon will be  is in conjunction with Planet Jupiter. i.e. both moon and Jupiter appear to be near to each other as seen from earth. 

Where to see /time: After Sunset if one looks at East Direction one would see Bright moon and a Non twinkling star like object just above right side of Moon. Which is nothing but planet Jupiter.

2. Quadrantids Meteor Shower (Dec 28th-12th Jan):  annual event of Quadrantids Meteor Shower is actively visible from 28th Dec to 12th Jan. On 4th January this meteor shower will be at Peak. The International Meteor Organization (IMO) expects maximum of 120 Meteors per hour. It however based on past data it says the number of meteors should vary from 60 to 200 Meteors per hour. Where to look/time: Away from city light at 4.a.m. up till 12th January if one looks at the area between East and North East directions one can see shooting stars. In other words one can see bright streaks of light zipping across the sky and would seem as if they are emanating from the constellation of  Bootes. This shower is called “Quadrantids Meteor Shower” because the radiant of this meteor shower lies in Bootes constellation. The name of the constellation comes from Quadrans Muralis, an obsolete constellation which is now part of Boötes.

3. Earth at Perihelion: On 5rd January 2012 Planet Earth will be at closest point to sun in its elliptical orbit around Sun at 0.983 AU (147 million km) from Sun. Astronomically this is phenomena is known as “Perihelion”. Whereas on 5th July 2012 Earth will be at Aphelion at 1.017 AU (152 Million km approx) from Sun i.e. it will be at farthest point from Sun. 

  Jupiter, Moon to converge in conjunction thanks to friends in PTI for being voice of planets so that people can read, hear and see this celestial event has a gift for new year 2012.  


Updates as on 5th January 2012: See this slide show of images of meteor from across the world.