Andhra Pradesh Council of Science and Technology, Govt of A.P in association with Planetary Society, India organized Press Conference on 26th August,07 at Narayanguda from 11.00 a.m. to 12.30 noon on three celestial events. Media was requested to pass on following for the benefit of general public.
Origin of Rumor: I hope these days one of your friend or somebody forwarded a mail or you overheard somebody discussing abour mars... which read “ On 27th August,2007 Two Moons in the Sky…. Spectacular Mars… NO ONE EVER ALIVE ... Whole world is awaiting....” so this is the return of Great August Mars Email Hoax i.e. what you heard is all farce.
This message presumably linked to the fact that Mars was indeed closer to Earth than it had been in tens of thousands of years in August 2003. But even during that close approach, Mars appeared as a point of light in the sky and certainly did not look like a second Moon. Hence we request you not to believe such emails which are twisted description of the Mars opposition of 2003.
However if you are still determined to spot planet mars as of now. So wake up at 1.30 or 3.30 a.m. and use the following information for assistance.
Current Position - SPOTTING MARS ON 27TH AUGUST,07 - Direction : Mars these days rises in eastern sky around midnight in the eastern sky. Come December It will become visible in the evening sky and will get much brighter as it approach opposition on 24th December, 07 with closest approach being slated to occur on 18th Dec,07 when distance between mars and earth would be 88 million km.
The best time is 1.30 a.m or 3.30 a.m when one should look between the direction North East and Eastern of Sky when mars would be above horizon. It would look like a not so bright star like object with another star called aldebran towards its right.
These Sky Maps can be used for over 15 days just begin your observation 4 mins before your previous days observation.
Click on the image to see larger view to come back to the website press backspace button.

Friends even if you thought all is over after unsuccessfully trying to spot Planet Mars - Just stop doing so. Because Come December you will have greater opportunity to witness Mars Opposition and closest approach.
DECEMBER 2007 : Actual Mars Closest Approach on 18th December,07 and Mars Opposition on 24th December,07 : In December 2007, mars will be as bright as the brightest star in the sky, but not nearly as bright as Jupiter (presently magnitude of -2.3, and will be -1.8 on 18th Dec,07 ) or Venus (presently 1.3 will be -3.8 on 18th Dec,07). It will be closest to Earth on December 18 at a distance of 88 million kilometers. That means it is significantly farther than it was in 2003, but closer than it will be at its next opposition in 2010.
This means you will get another wonderful opportunity to see mars.
You may ask me why should i believe? Then just download this poster (click here)which you can print and put in your school/college. Password for the file is: kalamchacha
However if you still feel the message forwarded was correct then see our last years report on mars hoax along with animation, click here or see our report on C channel in year 2005 during "World Year of Physics". or Just check this animation.
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