Live Streaming Images and Video of Eclipse 

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On 4th January, 2011 first Eclipse of Year 2011 which is Partial Solar Eclipse will occur. This Partial eclipse is visible in northern western states of the country. Around world this Eclipse is visible in more than 50 countries. This eclipse though negligibly visible in India is best opportunity till year 2019 Dec 26th.

Timings of the Eclipse:  In Indian Standard time the eclipse begins at 12.10 a.m. and Eclipse Ends at            4.31 p.m. whereas the maximum phase of eclipse will be at 2.21p.m.  

World Wide – Visibility :  The eclipse is visible from the region covering most of the Europe, the northern half of Africa, the Middle East, western Asia, north-west China, and western Mongolia.

World Wide – Percentage of Coverage of Sun – by Moon 85 % - During Maximum phase: Across the world depending upon shadow path of Moon and the location of observer the percentage of coverage of Sun’s Disk by moon varies. The maximum the Sun’s disk is covered by Moon during this Partial Eclipse is 85 % as would be seen by people of Finland.

Places in India -  Maximum percentage (0% to 18 %) & Begin – End timings :  Srinagar - 18% (2.38 p.m – 4.18 p.m.), Jalandhar - 11% (2.48 p.m.- 4.09p.m), Simla - 8% (2.57 p.m – 4.06 p.m)  Amritswar - 12% (2.45- 4.11 p.m.) , Chandigarh - 8% (2.57 p.m. – 4.05 p.m.) , Dehradun - 5% (3.05 p.m.- 4.00 p.m),  Haridwar - 4 % (3.08-3.58 p.m.), Delhi - 3 % (3.12 p.m. – 3.52p.m.), Ajmer - 1 % (3.13 p.m. -3.43 p.m.), Nainital - 1%(3.22 p.m.- 3.47 p.m.), Dwarka - 0.6 % (3.07 p.m. – 3.28 p.m). People in North West states would see a small part of Sun’s disk is obscured by moon.

Next Best Opportunity to see a Solar Eclipse covering Major parts of  India : The next best opportunity to see a Solar Eclipse from Major parts of the India  including Andhra Pradesh is in 2019 Dec 26th
Because the solar eclipse in 2016 though visible in major parts India (including Andhra Pradesh) begins and lasts only for few minutes close to horizon in early hours of March 9. Wherein again few states in the country where sun rises early can appreciate this solar eclipse of 2016.

Uniqueness of Eclipses in 2011:  Totally Six Eclipses would occur in 2011. Out of Which Four are Solar and Two are lunar. i.e. 4:2 Ratio. This 4:2 combination of solar and lunar eclipses in a single year is rather rare with only six cases during the 21st Century (2011, 2029, 2047, 2065, 2076 and 2094).

Society’s Initiatives:  

Space Simulator Project – Simulated Animations by Students: Further as part of its Partial Solar Eclipse 2011 campaign society organized Student Space Simulator Project 2011.  Under which School students from over 20 Schools across Andhra Pradesh simulated the conditions of eclipse and recorded the same for publication on the Web. (For List of Schools
Importantly these simulated animations are being sent to 50 different countries through respective embassies. 
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