On 25th November, 2011 last Solar Eclipse of Year 2011 which is Partial Solar Eclipse will occur. The eclipse is visible from the region covering southern tip of Africa, Antarctica, Tasmania and New Zealand. This Partial eclipse is not visible in India
Timings of the Eclipse: As per Indian Standard time the eclipse begins at 9.53 a.m. and Eclipse Ends at 1.47 p.m. The maximum phase of eclipse will be at 11.50 a.m. when 90% of Sun Disk would be covered by Moon. Total duration of Eclipse is nearly 4 hours.
This eclipse on 25th Nov 2011 can be said to largest Solar Eclipse for year 2011 because Moon covers Sun approx : 90 % on 25th Nov, 85% on 4th Jan , 9% 1st July, 60% on 1 June of Sun Disk.
The last Solar Eclipse visible from India occurred on 4th Jan, 2011 which was however visible in few western states of Northern India.
No Opportunity to see a Solar Eclipse (till 2016 or 2019) covering Major parts of India : The next best opportunity to see a SOLAR ECLIPSE from Major parts of the India including Andhra Pradesh is on 2019 Dec 26th.
The solar eclipse in 2016 though visible in major parts India (including Andhra Pradesh) begins and lasts only for few minutes close to horizon in early hours of March 9 2016. Wherein again only few states in the country where sun rises early can appreciate this solar eclipse of 2016
Importance of Eclipses in 2011: Totally Six Eclipses were reported to occur in 2011. Out of Which Four are Solar and Two are lunar. i.e. 4:2 Ratio. This 4:2 combination of solar and lunar eclipses in a single year is rather rare with only six cases during the 21st Century (2011, 2029, 2047, 2065, 2076 and 2094).
Dates of Eclipses in 2011: (1). January 4 2011: Partial eclipse of the SUN occurred it was visible in few northern parts of India (2). June 1 2011: Partial eclipse of the SUN was not visible in India (3). JUNE 15 2011: Total eclipse of the MOON occurred was visible in India (4). July 1 2011: Partial eclipse of the SUN occurred was not visible in India (5). November 25 2011: Partial eclipse of the SUN will occur is not visible in India (6)December 10 2011: Total eclipse of the MOON will occur is visible from India.
54th Solar Eclipse for American Astronomer : Prof. Jay Pasachoff, Chair of the International Astronomical Union's Working Group on Eclipses, will be viewing his 54th solar eclipse on 25th Nov, 2011.
Next Eclipse on 10 December, 2011: Last eclipse of the year 2011 which is lunar eclipse will occur on 10 December, 2011. This eclipse is Total Lunar Eclipse and is visible from India.