Update : Thanks to Media Friends here is an article released by PTI

http://www.rediff.com/news/slide-show/slide-show-1-34-km-wide-asteroid-flies-past-earth/20120201.htm rediff.com wrote "34-km-wide asteroid flies past earth"
Zee news wrote
On 31st January asteroid 433 Eros will come closer to Earth than it has in 37 years, traveling across the night sky in the constellations Leo, Sextans and Hydra. At its closest pass of 16.6 million miles (26.7 million km) the relatively bright 21-mile (34-km) -wide asteroid will be visible with even modest backyard telescopes, approaching magnitude 8, possibly even 7. It hasn’t come this close since 1975, and won’t do so again until 2056!
This article was written at 4.00 a.m. on 31 Jan (after preparing the same from 1.00 a.m to 4 a.m)
On Tuesday, January 31, asteroid 433 Eros (1898 DQ)
a.k.a Eros will come closer to Earth than it has in 37 years, traveling
across the night sky in the constellations Leo, Sextans and Hydra. At its
closest pass of 16.6 million miles (26.7 million km) the relatively bright
21-mile (34-km) -wide asteroid will be visible with even modest backyard
telescopes, approaching magnitude 8, possibly even 7. It hasn’t come this close
since 1975, and won’t do so again until 2056!
Minimum Distance = 2,67,29,512 km
Nominal Distance = 2,67,29,544 km
Maximum Distance = 2,67,29,575
Can you explain in layman's language? How much far it is ?
It is 69.5 LD or 69.5 times the
distance of between Earth & Moon. ( LD means "Lunar
Distance." 1 LD = 384,401 km, the distance between Earth and the Moon. 1
LD also= 0.00256 AU.)
What is the size/dimensions of this object ? What is the diameter of this object ?
How much time does this object take to orbit Sun ?
This object orbits our Sun once in
every 642.9 Days (1.76 year)
How much time does it take to rotate on its axis ?
It rotates around itself every 5hrs 16 Mins.
Distance for Feb 1 2012: There is not much difference in the distance of the
object. Whereas there is slight change on 2nd Feb and continues to increase as
days passby.
Why this information got importance ? Though object is closest in its orbit (it can get) to earth ?
According to Data This asteroid will
be at its Closest approach point (the closest it can get till 2056) is
at 4.30 pm. IST (11.00 UTC) on 31st Jan 2012.
What is the Composition of this object ?
433 Eros is an S-type asteroid,
signifying a composition of magnesium silicates and iron.
It is said to be Second Largest. What is the name of First largest Asteroid in NEA ?
This Asteroid is known as Second
Largest NEA (Near Earth Asteroid) . First largest being "1036
Ganymed". Click here to see what is NEA and latest data of
such objects.
Why this object is caled Mars Crosser ?
433 Eros is Mars-Crosser which means
it is an asteroid whose orbit crosses that of Mars.
Can you explain about the distance ? Is this object still in view of earth ?
The Distance of 433 Eros Asteroid is similar on 31st Jan & 1 Feb at 0.178 A.U.
The Distance of the Asteroid is similar from 2 Feb to 4 Feb at 0.179 A.U.
Can we see this object ? How to See and Where to look ?
Amateur Astronomers can spot this object in the Constellation of Sextants and Hydra till 10 Feb after 10 p.m. in the eastern sky. It presently shining at 8.6 magnitude.
Notes : 1. A.U. means Astronomical Unit which is Distance between Earth & Sun or to say roughly 150 Million Kms ...Astronomical Unit It is a derived constant and used to indicate distances within the solar system
2. In a clear sky Healthy Human Eye can see stars/objects which are rated as 6 magnitude.
Can you explain about the distance ? Is this object still in view of earth ?
The Distance of 433 Eros Asteroid is similar on 31st Jan & 1 Feb at 0.178 A.U.
The Distance of the Asteroid is similar from 2 Feb to 4 Feb at 0.179 A.U.
Can we see this object ? How to See and Where to look ?
Amateur Astronomers can spot this object in the Constellation of Sextants and Hydra till 10 Feb after 10 p.m. in the eastern sky. It presently shining at 8.6 magnitude.
Notes : 1. A.U. means Astronomical Unit which is Distance between Earth & Sun or to say roughly 150 Million Kms ...Astronomical Unit It is a derived constant and used to indicate distances within the solar system
2. In a clear sky Healthy Human Eye can see stars/objects which are rated as 6 magnitude.