On 10th July 2013 celestial event of “Moon in conjunction with Venus” will occur. i.e. both Venus and Moon will appear to be near to each other in the sky. Astronomically speaking Venus& Moon will achieve this celestial feat at 11.48pm though people can view this Moon-Venus meet after Sunset itself.
Direction - Where to see /time - Direction: After Sunset one has to look in West Direction to find Crescent Moon and a Non-Twinkling Star like object i.e. Venus. This event is best visible after Sunset to 8.30 pm. Because On 10th July 2013 Sun will set at 6.55 p.m. and Moon will set at 8.16 pm whereas Venus Sets at 8.40 p.m.
How will they appear- And what about 11th July for those who miss it on 10th July: on 10th July one can see Venus just above on Right Side of Crescent Moon. Whereas people who miss the event on Wednesday can make another Try on 11th June.
On 11th June Venus will be below Moon towards its right side in our sky. Importantly people can note the growing distance between the Moon &Venus after 10th July as days pass by as seen from Earth.
2. Planet Saturn: Since April 28 Saturn is visible in the evening skies rising at East after Sunset. Planet Saturn can be spotted as non-twinkling bright object if one looks at East Direction after Sunset. These days Saturn can be seen up till 1 a.m. i.e. as we see in our sky Saturn begins its journey in the east .Travels across the sky and sets in west close to midnight.
Explanation Notes :
1. Planet Venus: Venus since time immemorial is called as Morning Star/Evening Star. And it was considered as different objects for many ages. However it is now established that Venus based on its journey around Sun appears in morning sky or evening sky. In the beginning of year Venus was visible in Morning Skies and whereas since over two months it is visible in Evening and any one can spot Venus easily till End of 2013 ( as first bright non-twinkling object in the west direction after Sunset).
2. Moon: Moon is the only natural satellite of Earth. Moon as observed from earth appears at a new location in the night sky every subsequent night i.e. moon can be found at new place often near/in background of pattern of stars/star/planet. This happens because of moon’s motion around earth.
3. Conjunction: Conjunction is a term used in positional astronomy. It means that, as seen from some place (usually the Earth), two celestial bodies appear near one another in the sky. Importantly a day before & after people can notice one of the objects getting close or getting away after the celestial meeting.
Moon our celestial neighbor and Planets are located at greater distance from earth and they themselves are separated by enormous distance. However due to conjunction they appear near to each other in our skies.
4. Star or Planet? : To locate planets it should be remembered that Stars (producing their own light) twinkle whereas planets which reflect light of Sun do not twinkle but shine
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