15 Aug Independence Day Celebrations - 75th Year Celebrations

Picture Shot at Satara, Maharashtra Credits: to Unknown Photographer
We at Planetary Society India Wish you all a Happy Independence Day . The 3 colours in this pic (Satara, Maharashtra) are an inseparable part of Nature. In today world of Polarisation Politics, this pic conveys the important message "United We Stand, Divided we Fall". See Explanation below 

1.The tri colours of the Indian flag have deeper & greater meaning. click/read/visit https://bit.ly/15tricolor

2.Imperialists easily ruled the country with Divide & Rule Policy. Unfortunately, POLARISATION in various forms has become a key factor in Elections Politics. Efforts are made to prove "one colour among other 3 colours" are "Better than others" &  "Separable". 

3.Even if people misunderstand Saffron, White&Green.This real natural pic shot at Satara, Maharashtra Poetically/Metaphorically indicates: THESE COLOURS ARE INSEPARABLE & ESSENTIAL PART OF NATURE. 


i) Sunlight energises creatures on Earth. Its first rays inspire hope. 

ii) White clouds carrying water vapour delivers the Water💧during monsoon. 

iii) Greenery of crops, trees, plants provides food & fresh air. 

So It's essential to understand Unity in Diversity is the strength of India. Efforts for National Integrity are the need of the hour

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